January 13 – 17

THIS WEEK: Revising and Editing; SCR

Student Expectation – 6.10C: Revise drafts for clarity, development, organization, style, word choice, and sentence variety.

6.10D.i: complete complex sentences with subject-verb agreement and avoidance of splices, run-ons, and fragments;

6.10D.ix: correct spelling, including commonly confused terms such as its/it’s, affect/effect, there/their/they’re, and to/two/too.

DAY ACTIVITY – Reteach/Small Groups/Peer Help
  • Revise and Edit – sample questions from released readings; read together as a class; go through each question to understand the following:

a.) What is the question asking me to do?

b.) Which answer is obviously NOT the correct choice?

c.) Why did I select the answer choice that I selected? Reason through in student led discussions/come together to discuss with entire class.

6.10D.ii; 6.10C
  • Warm-up: list the 8 parts of speech 
  • Continue lesson from yesterday
6.10C; 6.10D.i; 6.10D.ix
  • Warm-up: R.A.C.E.S Quiz Form(NO notes)
  • Curipod: Short Constructed Response Activity

over a non-fiction topic

6.10C; 6.10D.i; 6.10D.ix
  • Warm-up: Revise and edit Google Form
  • Online Journal Writing Prompt on Curipod
  1. What was your BEST memory from 2024? (It can be more than one.)
6.10C; 6.10D.i; 6.10D.ix
  • Warm-up: Capitalization Google Form
  • Detective Hanlon Mysteries
  • Flocabulary Lesson assigned through Google Classroom 

**I will be at a writing workshop at Region VII.

6.10C; 6.10D.i; 6.10D.ix

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