RED RIBBON WEEK: October 28 – November 1, 2024

FYI – Next week we will be observing RED RIBBON WEEK at WOMS.  Each day will be a different “dress up” themed day.

Also, we just completed the ESTEEM Curriculum Workbook A and all the 6th Graders took their book home.  There is a LOT of really good information in that workbook that would be a good starting point for family discussions about setting goals; how do deal with depression and grief; basic First Aid; how to choose good friends and how to be a good friend; how to say no to someone trying get them to experiment with drugs, alcohol, and sex; and today we completed Lesson 9: Alcohol/Vaping/Drug Abuse.  It was a good introduction to Red Ribbon Week.  All of the students were VERY attentive during all 9 lessons of the ESTEEM Curriculum and it was a pleasure to take them through the lessons.  I told all of my students that it was a good reference book with lots of helpful websites and phone numbers that they might need now or in the future.  I also reminded them that Mrs. Jody Velde, our WOMS counselor, is available should they need to talk to anyone about any issues.

I am writing this blog today with a little bit of a heavy heart because a 14 year old student at another small school district not far from here took his life this week.  I did not know him personally, but I know his family – they are a “good” close knit family.  I do not know, don’t really need to know, any details; I just know this breaks my heart for this family.  Hug your kiddos EXTRA tight and if you believe in the power of prayer, just remember this family in your prayers.

Have a blessed weekend!Screen Shot 2024-08-27 at 2.05.36 PM.png

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