September 23 – 27, 2024

MONDAY: Constructed Response/6.10/Using the R.A.C.E.S. steps to organizing a constructed response, we will answer the questions from ” The Rise of Fandoms.”

TUESDAY: continued from Monda

WEDNESDAY: My Life Slide Shows/6.11/The students that want to will be sharing their My Life slide shows that they created.

THURSDAY: ELA Classroom Journal/6.10/Today will be Week 6 on our ELA Classroom Journal Document

FRIDAY: My Fandom(Week 5 Journal)/6.11/Create a song, a video, a poster, a short story, a comic strip, etc. to tell all of us about your fandom.  Be creative – just remember to be SCHOOL appropriateThis will be due next Friday at the beginning of class. We will work on it today and one day next week, but the rest will have to be done on YOUR OWN TIME.

***First BIG Reading/Language Arts test will be October 2nd!

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